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What college/s have you attended since graduating Dana Hills?

University of California, Irvine


What degrees have you completed?

BS Software Engineering


What is your current occupation?

Senior Software Engineer at Apple Inc.


What would you say have been your most notable accomplishments since leaving Dana?

Hired by Vogue Magazine as a software engineer in New York City

Started a startup with another Dana Hills High School alum

Published in multiple research papers about design written at UCI


What classes/programs did you participate in while at Dana Hills?


Soccer Team



What recommendations would you make to current Dana students looking to duplicate your success?

Join any group that seems like it might be interesting to you. The Yearbook team put me in an environment that taught me so much that helps me today. The environment then was actually quite similar to my day-to-day now working within the best teams at Apple. Learn to support your friends and to accept support from them. Have fun challenging the ideas that may be longstanding together and trying to think outside of the box. Give yourself time to learn and study. Many of the rewards of spending time with the teachers and students at Dana Hills you will continue to reap for years afterwards.

Sahand Nayebaziz

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