Emily Jaimerena
What college/s have you attended since graduating Dana Hills?
I graduated in 2013 and then went to Harvard, after which I did a year of AmeriCorps service. Now I'm at Brown University.
What degrees have you completed?
B.A. in Human Biology and Evolution, with a minor in English. Now working on my MD!
What is your current occupation?
What would you say have been your most notable accomplishments since leaving Dana?
Still being a student makes this question a bit tough, so I suppose the biggest thing for me has just been getting accepted to medical school. The whole process is so crazy that I'm glad to be on the other side of it! I'm also really proud of some work I did for the Admissions and Financial Aid office while I was at Harvard, trying to improve opportunities for low-income and first generation college students.
What classes/programs did you participate in while at Dana Hills?
I took many of the AP classes offered and did the HMO program (I actually still have my reflex hammer from HMO, and use it often!). I was also a proud member of The Paper staff and I played varsity basketball.
What recommendations would you make to current Dana students looking to duplicate your success?
You have so much you can do and learn through DHHS, and the more you get involved in the school community the better! Colleges/employers/whomever are going to be excited about someone who cares about the microcosm they're in, and high school is a community for you right now. I was always just super curious about the people around me and the ways I could invest in them, which I think led me to a lot of beneficial experiences. Also, look for ways to shake up your routine and get outside your bubble (your sports team, ASU, whatever it may be); it's the best way to grow, and in my experience people will gravitate toward that genuine interest in learning.